Eclairs and religieuse View larger

Eclairs and religieuse

june saturday 14 2025 fromh 15:00 toh 18:00


If there is doubt as to their origin, they are nevertheless two flagship cakes of french pastry. Traditional or revisited, choux pastry is limitless for the creativity of bakers! Always the same dough, but an infinite range of tastes, textures and backdrops. Become Zeus of choux pastry and learn how to make cakes so beautiful and so hungry that they eat at lightning speed!

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90,00 € tax incl.

75,00 € tax excl.

reserve your lesson from june saturday 14 2025
fromh 15:00 toh 18:00 in Toulouse
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  • Choux pastry

  • Garnishes (puff cream, chocolate or fruit cream, ganache...)

  • Decoration

1 reservation in other dates:

  • Eclairs and religieuse
    Eclairs and...

    90,00 €

     14:30 toh 17:30  in Bordeaux